A mind-turning conversation with Brian and Jimmy the CEO and CTO of Vocodia with Corporate Leaders Magazine. Read through to follow the highlights:-
What was the idea behind founding the company? What factors/circumstances inspired the name ‘Vocodia’?
Vocodia is a name derived from the vocoder musical instrument. In our case, we have Voice, Coding, and IA (place) so we were and are coding for voice, and the company’s vision now is to go full omnichannel. So, one could say we are outgrowing our name.
We began working with AI to create a human experience to process demands and ultimately created DISA, our ‘Digital Intelligent Sales Agent.’ DISA enhances or replace sales representatives and customer service representatives at a fraction of the cost. Scalability is instant, both up or down, to meet the needs of each customer and campaign.
What is the wide range of products or offerings provided by the company?
We have AI agents that replace human agents in conversational-dependent job functions such as sales and customer service. The AI handles human objections, bets prospects, and brings them closer to a point of sale. Beyond that, like our fellow humans, our agents can be customized and trained to handle the needs of our customers.
Please walk us through your flagship or most popular product. What factors make it a distinct choice in the market segment?
Our DISAs handle the worst part of sales! 80% of sales is dialing, with initial introductions and presentations eating up a large portion of company resources. Our DISA calls introduce and present automatically in a conversational, persuasive manner, so as to meet the overall ideology requirements of each client. When a prospect is identified and interested, the DISA transfers the customer to a human sales representative, especially one where licensing is required.
According to you, what qualifies DISA as the ‘future of conversational AI’? What makes it a groundbreaking product in the industry?
Access and availability; our company is open to all who want to save money and scale operations. While we initially focused on the enterprise level, we are now beginning to work with individual sales reps within certain industries and verticals.
In your opinion, how is Vocodia working to disrupt the contact center industry with its offerings?
Clarity and availability. Sales and Customer Service have devolved with a lack of human availability, unless companies go offshore, which makes overcoming language barriers extremely difficult for consumers in both communication and trust. If you have called or chatted with customer service lately, for a number of growing companies, we are seeing wait times grow into hours and days. This is untenable! With DISA, the communication is quite clear to match the market in language and even colloquial speech but the ability to answer a call from a customer on the first ring will have an effect on loyalty across many markets.
How would you describe the team at Vocodia? With you at the helm, how does the team maintain intact motivation and productivity in the workspace?
We were born in the pandemic, so we have a hybrid office and work-from-home strategy, however, we are quite focused on teams that have allowed our employees to actually have their home life and achieve our goals in the office. This is something we want to extend to all of our companies. Our inside joke is “Build the DISAs and go to the beach! Log in later to count your sales!”
Please walk us through your decorated clientele portfolio. How do you ensure catering to the evolving requirements of your clients? In case of negative feedback, how do you channel and tackle them?
Oddly enough our real negative feedback comes from the disruption inside the organizations we serve. Our greatest example was a case where B-to-C call center owners and top brass loved our DISAs and kept extending into different products. The HR however did not like DISAs as the revelation of a lack of their need would continue to develop. How we overcome that now is to try and control the adoption rate of our client’s access. It’s the most disruptive thing I’ve ever seen.
What are the key company milestones that are required to be achieved in the next 5 years?
A big one for us is the adoption by a notable percentage of call centers and integration into the workforce. We have other goals besides just sales and customer service. We strongly feel that we can benefit society as a whole, such as a disaster support, intelligence networks – both public and private, and education, among others.
According to you, what roles does conversational AI or chatbots play in the development of the telecommunications industry?
It is a new layer on top of what has been built. It is fascinating to push our technology out to the edge and see that we can operate beyond what the switches and networks had ever intended. We have built and continue to work on middleware that optimizes these functions for us as a user of these networks, but the carriers and the government are quite intelligent and see this as well.
Lastly, how do you envision the future of AI? Is it beneficial for the future success of the telecommunications industry? If yes, how?
Great Question. We see a future of real automation so humans can enjoy a lifestyle of abundance, now only available to royalty and the super-rich, much like transportation used to be. We think telecommunications will become more relevant and more subtle. Always there and available to carry out whatever desire someone has at any time. However, there needs to be an ability for humans to resolve issues conveniently and set functions and protocols easily. That’s where we see ourselves. The conversational authority in telecom. We believe we are the last mile to human automation in communications at the human level. Buying, selling, educating and easy access to information across the globe regardless of time, language and culture. Automated for convenience, scale and cost management.